Talia (/tal-yuh/) is my name and I’m grateful to be a multifaceted social strategist & creative that is just happy you clicked on my home base for all things strategy, design, and everything in between.

A little bit about me; I’m a passionate and creative gal who loves color (but not too much), Jesus (never enough), performing, social media, and I guess I could go on and on so let me stop hehe. But really I’m a social strateigst with a unique blend of interests and gifts. Pursuing studies in social strategy, performing arts, and design, I have had the immense opportunity to explore the diversity within these dynamic fields. Imagine mixing a bit of strategy with a whole lot of heart—that’s me. I’m that person who finds magic in connections, turning the “hello” into a “welcome to my world.” My journey’s been a patchwork of experiences….And sure, it might look like I’m juggling a circus of interests, but trust me, it feels just right. I’m all about connecting the dots in unexpected ways, turning the mundane into the extraordinary, and making sure we’re all having a good laugh along the way.  🥰🎀


Brand Identity / Brand Strategy / Social Strategy / Art Direction / Creative Direction / Social Media / Branded Interiors / Naming / Performing Arts / Content Creation

What I can do:


Im always learning, growing, and exploring …check out my resume to see what I have been up to. 

Say hello, follow me, or inquire about how we can work together on your next project! I’m best reached through the DMs of @curatedbytalia

If all else fails, I just hope you smiled at least once while you were on here.
